Confined Space Rescue
Confined Space Rescue Services
FCS Industrial Solutions provides confined space rescue services for any facility activity or project where trained confined space operations are required. This includes sending workers into a permit-required confined space. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires adequate planning and resources allocated to any potential rescue needs during a confined space entry. Simply calling local emergency services or fire departments will not satisfy OSHA requirements.
FCS Industrial Solutions confined space rescue teams have years of technical rescue and extraction experience. Our professionals are highly trained, EMT certified, and are fully equipped to perform confined space rescues in any environment.

Confined Space Entry and Rescue
OSHA levies significant fines for businesses and organizations that don’t follow Federal guidelines on worker safety in a confined space. Your permit-required confined space program must take into account a number of factors before you can remove the portal hatch and begin work.
Safe Confined Space Entry
FCS Industrial Solutions meets or exceeds all of OSHA’s requirements and covers your project with a highly trained confined space rescue team. Our confined space attendants protect your employees during entrant activities and ensure proper compliance with all Federal and state guidelines. We provide certified confined space retrieval for your confined space entry project.
When a planet manager or facility engineer schedules work requiring confined space entry, OSHA considers the following:
- Have all members of the service been trained as permit space entrants, at a minimum, including training in the potential hazards of all permit spaces, or of representative permit spaces, from which rescue may be needed?
- Can team members recognize the signs, symptoms, and consequences of exposure to any hazardous atmospheres that may be present in those permit spaces?
- Is every team member provided with, and properly trained in, the use and need for PPE, such as SCBA or fall arrest equipment, which may be required to perform permit space rescues in the facility?
- Is every team member properly trained to perform his or her functions and make rescues, and to use any rescue equipment, such as ropes and backboards, that may be needed in a rescue attempt?
- Are team members trained in the first aid and medical skills needed to treat victims overcome or injured by the types of hazards that may be encountered in the permit spaces at the facility?
- Do all team members perform their functions safely and efficiently? Do rescue service personnel focus on their own safety before considering the safety of the victim?
- If necessary, can the rescue service properly test the atmosphere to determine if it is IDLH?
- Can the rescue personnel identify information pertinent to the rescue from entry permits, hot work permits, and MSDSs?
- Has the rescue service been informed of any hazards to personnel that may arise from outside the space, such as those that may be caused by future work near the space?
- If necessary, can the rescue service properly package and retrieve victims from a permit space that has a limited size opening (less than 24 inches (60.9 cm) in diameter), limited internal space, or internal obstacles or hazards?
- If necessary, can the rescue service safely perform an elevated or high angle rescue?
- Does the rescue service have a plan for each of the kinds of permit space rescue operations at the facility? Is the plan adequate for all types of rescue operations that may be needed at the facility? Teams may practice in representative spaces, or in spaces that are ‘worst-case’ or most restrictive with respect to internal configuration, elevation, and portal size.
Responsive, Competitive, and Effective
Ask us to bid! We provide free project quotes. After you contact us, we’ll arrange an initial on-site visit and listen to your needs. We target 72 hours or less for visiting your project site within our general service area. When our bid is accepted, we’ll schedule your project with our teams, strive to exceed your expectations, and beat your deadline. For contact, please complete our all-hours Inquiry Form or call 434-489-4342 during normal business hours.