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Facility Industrial Dust Cleaning

A clean, functional workspace strengthens facility production, creates a healthier working environment, and greatly reduces the chance of an industrial fire or explosion. As a combustible dust cleaning contractor, FCS Industrial Solutions provides a industrial dust control designed to keep your employees focused on production. We provide safe, professional high surface cleaning.

someone cleaning ducts high above

Housekeeping and OSHA Fines

FCS Industrial Solutions provides effective combustible dust cleaning for a safe, healthy work environment, better facility insurance coverage terms, and compliance with OSHA housekeeping regulations. Combustible dust is a proven danger for any industry with enclosed workspaces. OSHA fines can start in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for facilities found out of compliance with their regulations. Industrial cleaning fines can exceed a million dollars for larger facilities with poor housekeeping procedures.

Many materials often considered hard to burn in solid form become quite reactionary in dust form. FCS Industrial Solutions provides a dust remediation estimate based on the total amount of material buildup. Regular high bay cleaning for corn dust, starch dust, and aluminum dust is essential for industries that create these byproducts. FCS Industrial Solutions is an industrial dust control company with a strong track record with industrial hygiene, especially with high surface cleaning. We have the experience and knowhow to provide timely action at a competitive price.

Responsive, Competitive, and Effective

FCS Industrial Solutions is a licensed, insured, Avetta Certified, and an ISNetworld Certified building service contractor. Ask us to bid! We provide free project quotes. After you contact us, we’ll arrange an initial on-site visit and listen to your needs. We target 72 hours or less for visiting your project site within our general service area. When our bid is accepted, we’ll schedule your project with our teams, strive to exceed your expectations, and beat your deadline. For contact, please complete our all-hours Inquiry Form or call 434-489-4342 during normal business hours.

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